Your Next Adventure One Click Away
Best Price Guarantee
80 Million Hotel Rooms
Huge Demand Worldwide
Our search algorithm crawl the web and find you the best deals from all the major booking sites. Try it and see for your self.
Our most popular destinations are quite the bucket of treats. Travel to discover, travel to create new memories, travel for inspiration or relaxation. Travel because you deserve to widen your horizon, eat new foods or meet new people. Travel for YOU.
Travelbag Hotels
Travelbag Adventures
Hi, and welcome to Travel bag Adventures. Since you are here, we’ll presume you’re looking for your next adventure, and preferably an affordable one. If that’s the case, you are just like us.
Finding the best deals on flights and hotels used to be quite a handful. Browsing thru hundreds of booking sites and airliners to find the best offers used to take hours. We grew tired of it.
What we did was so simple, its almost laughable. We set up a web site and implemented a search engine that scans the web for us, going thru millions of hotel rooms, thousands of booking sites and more than 800 airliners. In stead of using hours up on end to find the best deals, it now takes 40 seconds.
You can filter the results to suit your needs. Find the cheapest, the highest rated or maybe the fastest air transfer. Whatever you are searching for, the search engine will find the best deals available in the marked at any time.
Wherever you want to go, we wish you Bon Voyage!
Maybe we’ll meet on the plane?
Oh, and by the way. If you order thru our site, we might get few pounds from the hotel or agent that provided the booking. We put these coins in to maintaining the site, and probably a cup of coffee, now and again. Cheers.

Travelbag flights
A travelbag flight is a flight that will suit your needs, what ever they might be. If you need to find the cheapest tickets, just use the filter to sort by cheapest. You will find the best prices in the marked on your next flight.
Still, you might alos have other needs. Thats why the search algorithm lets you choose amongs various filters to find you the perfect flight. Find the shortest flight, the most exclusive, with any luggage included, or anything your heart desires.
Search, book and enjoy ur next Travelbag flight with us